Sunday, 10 August 2014

When Dad have a true gift from his talent sonS

      It about dream came true, through the pass of 2 years it only a days pass by, when suddenly I wake him up from the state of temporary heaven. The day he realize he had pause the moments of his life line, forgotten the wise of future that beneath of his dream. Because of me,and I because of him- we did notice something were missing in our life.
My father proudly shown my younger brother 1st Masterpiece.
     Both of our grandpa was an honorable man that culture present family,(even the ending never gonna be same as story line), but it commonly it structure the whole ideal of being talent among of the people around you, never stop by- just a piece of mind-because brain never stop working until god said so.
     The story is just a simple of escape plan for me & him, to be success where most of people around claim us as the most craziest dream ever. In normal-it should be me carry out my present jobs as Sr Engineer(mostly   known as The Mechanic) & him to be realize he did something really really wrong, then in case- he should come out with some contingency plan which A(find the alike to spend course) or B(find a work that suit you place)
The cabinet that was made for my Dr brother turn out to my mother new collection.
     But to in normal it never been a diamond dream for both of our parent, even my honorable grandpa- we should be better, where talent been put in the right gear, I always blame myself of not giving my brother the right place to start his life, it should be pressure under my shoulder. Because of that the heat turn out to on, instead of my parent-which I assume they already done-struggle to made what we are now.
     People gonna said there's no ways you gonna skip the hoop without bend you shoulder, even thought we been force to believe it the real of, some said it was meant to be in that kind of ways-cycle of life. Do we totally believe it? without having a 2nd though in hand of " out of box"? We should be fair & judge our dream & future based on our talent.  
The wall of new life(courtesy of my neighbor window), always have a dream my Woodshop to have this window style. 
     For me, once what duty been put on you, gonna keep you dumb(as intellectualism), mean that you talent gonna be stop. People shall view their talent as part of their life-doesn't had to do with their future, so it just fine. But for me, I do prioritize this thing as something that could change my life. My parent had taught me a lot to clever in academic platform(even I didn't flying color), the thing is, we should clarify our success as the end pass by, like the oldfolk story telling on "Race of Rabbit & Tortoise", we did seen the sense of our life where the good start never gonna ends up as the good ending if....we forgot, never kept up & never learn from our mistake.
     I'm on my mistake, we I didn't do best for my life & future, it time for me to show to the people of what talent can turn you on. As progress so far, we shall in built our own legacy that start here where people gonna see as estblishment of my new family hope-soon Woodshop of The Fazlan Crartmaster.....

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