Everyone of us are special
Every human being is special & should be treat as special one. Sometimes we noticed it & sometimes we just ignored that we are special. What a waste…life, age & time!
What make us as a special? First of all, as we were born to the earth, we already solute as special since among of billion cells of sperm, we are selected to merge with ovum & become boys & girls. Subhanallah….

Who is me?
 I've been in art since I was born where both of my parent were very good in art-my father Hj Razali was my inspire mentor of DIY & woodworking & my lovely mum Che Aishah were so detail in sewing. They taught very well in art were naturally i falling in love with it, jointed several competition back in school. When I was standard 5 back at SKAH, Ayer Hitam 1993-I won in 1st prize MALAYSIA of Drawing Competition of Bay of Bengal Program-me (BOBP)

My Drawing had become the frontpage of BOBP 1992 Calendar
Perhaps it just a simple drawing, but from the perspective of children of 11 years old age-it might make sense on how I wondering the village of fishermen, for sure today I could come out such a better plan & view.
The journey keep continue until I finish the school-even applied for university course-still targeting a 4 years course of architect in oversea- but I didn't doin so good in SPM- turn out I had to forget my dream. As alternative-I ends up in Electrical Engineering UTM. Even it just a bored time-I struggled to finish it-even in a low GPA.
Desperate "Not to Jobless" a while, I just grab what any company offer me-with ends up me become as Fresh Design Engineer-YOKOWO Electronic. From the sifu of Mr. Shimoyama, I learned a lot on discipline of "real technical drawing". Still remember his golden quote:
1. Can fabricate? 2. Can assemble?  3. Can use?
From it I learned on how to be fine & detail of every aspect of task that he point to me, he aspect each time when he throw those ball, I could swing as HOME RUN,all the time.
I moved to HOYA Electronic after 4 years in design, been responded as Polishing Process Engineer-you know what?It suck-which I leave the company right after 1.5 years,thanks for RM10 annual increment.
Now after 3 years of service as Maintenance Engineer Infineon- I quote my self as happy hour all day long, since it really reflect my preference-every day always a new challenging.  

Why The Fazlan Craftmaster has to be establish? 
I started to be loved in woodworking last 3 years-where my mum shown the simple cabinet of storage created by them(with daddy), it tough, cheap & based on what size they want. For me-it so brilliant & fantastic. As knew both of my grandfather was a full-time carpenter especially the late of Che Ali Che Omar, his the only person I knew who could do built home,boat & sewing all kind clothes included "Songkok" The late of Che Jamil also did have a high profile-he was also the home builder & expert in massage, but was a waaaaaaaaaaaste once no one took it as a legacy.
So started from that-as experiment I bought a cheap RM59 Tesco jigsaw tool, I builded my own clothes cabinet-2 week after I finish it-even it not 100% perfect.

I continue learning from YouTube-learning all kind of cutting technic, jointing method. I resume to several project mostly done at my home & at my parent house back at Kelantan. My mum seen to be so confident with my fresh skill-challenge me to setup her kitchen cabinet. I did it with the support from daddy, mum, my ex-glider elder brother & my happy lone ranger younger brother-thanks guys a lot!
This is what look like once the cut & joint based on Sketch-Up design turn up, believe me-right after I when back to Kulim, I noticed as the kitchen cabinet should be created toward it compartment. So-daddy& mummy-sorry for my mistake-still leaning. It about 4 peoples to lift up to the attach wall & it had to wait for another trips to finish off the door panel.

 During that time-my son Furqan play around with Arif, where both of my great hands-on supporter celebrated the 50% success of kitchen cabinet with outdoor barbecue. Well done guys! 
At the ends, we finish install the kitchen cabinet using formica laminate finishing for the first time.
As the tasks, jobs & requests are going on the clock-I created this blog to dedicate all my & family hardwork as it create such a special lifetime gift to the special one.

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